
Tissue-Fit Trousers (April 19)

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  • Description
  • Curriculum

1-Day Tissue Fitting workshop Saturday, April 19

On Zoom 12-6pm ET

All participants must be registered in the Sew Trousers Class

Minimum/Max class number:  3 student minimum, 6 student maximum

Tissue-fit your trouser pattern (Butterick 6845) before laying out your pattern for the Sew Trousers class.  You will receive preparation information that must be completed prior to the workshop.  Then, you will tissue-fit your pants according to the Palmer/Pletsch Tissue-fitting Method.  You will follow the fitting order and alter your pattern for your fitting needs.

You will receive 6 hours of live instruction/fitting in addition to video instruction for the workshop preparation.

Required textbook:  Pants for Real People by Pati Palmer & Marta Alto